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Why love your body?

By: Indixora Jozal

October 10, 2021


Sometimes when eating out, there's always that friend who would compare their body to mine or that one family member who would bring it up and judge me if I gained weight or lost weight. It would go inside my head most of the time, and I would start questioning, "should I try to eat more?" or "should I not eat dinner today?" which are questions we should not even consider asking ourselves. A negative perception of our body can lead to intractable disorders like eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder. 


Body image is a belief, opinion, and attitude about one's own body. Although, this might not be how their body is perceived. Body image is mainly how a person feels about their body's height, weight, and shape. The people I encircle myself with can hugely impact the way I view my body. Especially when opening social media and looking at all the stunning people with flawless bodies, I will feel sorry for myself. There are always times when I would be happy about my body and times when I would hate my body. 


Research has been conducted that the ideal body type for females is the "thin body," and the perfect body type for males is the "muscular body." The internet and society have labelled thin and muscular bodies as "perfect bodies" while others are not. Everyone's body is different; people can eat the same amount of food but still have different bodies. Everyone requires different varieties and amounts of food to be nourished and healthy. 


 We shouldn't be apologising for eating what we desire because all bodies are gorgeous and unique. Accept your body and all your imperfections because that is what causes you to be distinct. Your body is powerful, so wear it proudly. Discover things you admire about your body and take care of it. Apprehend that beauty is not solely based on appearance but also on what's within. 


The only validation and acceptance we need are from ourselves. It's your body; therefore, you should embrace it. We must acknowledge our bodies for permitting us to do daily activities. We shouldn't feel sinful if we gain or lose weight because it is entirely normal. It's your body, your beliefs, and your growth, and once you recognise your merit and feel content in your skin, nobody's judgment matters. Taking care and loving yourself is the essential task you should concentrate on because your body keeps you alive.

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